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Tinseltown - The Holiday Movie Podcast


Sep 30, 2020

As the Mayor tries to sort out his dimensional drama, have another from the Patreon vaults, as Anton helps cover a classic film of his people, the Soviet-era winter fantasy "Jack Frost".

Sep 30, 2020

As the Mayor tries to sort out his dimensional drama, have another from the Patreon vaults, as Anton helps cover a classic film of his people, the Soviet-era winter fantasy "Jack Frost".

Sep 22, 2020

In the Independence Day universe, Anton and the mayor review the holiday's titular movie, Independence Day. It's an incredibly long film with ten thousand characters, most of whom are completely inexplicable.

Sep 16, 2020

This week, in the Halloween universe, Brian and Justin review "Trick 'r Treat", which is just... It's just so ding-dang good, y'all.

Sep 8, 2020

This week, the Brian and Colleen of the Easter universe look at "The Robe", a rather typical overstuffed and undercooked Bible epic that takes the weird tactic of being mostly about someone who's a few blocks away from whatever's happening in the Bible.