Nov 26, 2019
Welcome to the 34th Street Marathon! Due to scheduling difficulties, the Mayor was forced by circumstance to do the first SOLO EPISODE in a long time! It's time to get full up on bad sandwich and rant about Disney! Who apparently heard my ranting and has since removed their name from this movie!
Nov 19, 2019
I mixed up my schedule, and the 34th Street Marathon doesn't start for another week, so I'm putting up our emergency episode! See, a while back, Flonk and I decided to bank an episode in case of just such an occasion, so y'all finally gets to hear about Bone Alone. It certainly is a Movie To Watch Dog.
Nov 12, 2019
Justin cashes in his "Jack and Jill" chip and decides to bring the Mayor on a trip down memory lane, as they return to their high school days of being junior cinema snobs with "La citie des enfants perdus"("The City of Lost Children", an oppressively whimsical science fiction horror noir from the director of "Amelie".
Nov 5, 2019
Robbie and the Mayor almost review "The Preacher's Wife", but then remember the remake rules and do "The Bishop's Wife" instead, encountering along the way magic wine bottles, Joe Pesci, the studio system, and Time Racists. Also, this is probably the most profane episode we've ever done where it's actually a good...