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Tinseltown - The Holiday Movie Podcast

Aug 30, 2022

As we prep to get back to normal episodes, we dip into the Patreon to give you Rocky V, which we totally didn't realize had Christmas in it when we started watching.

Aug 23, 2022

For the second guest month in a row, we have had an unexpected shift in the schedule which occurred the day before Flonk was coming over anyway, so it's time for another New and a Bit Alarming Crossover! This time, we're continuing our look into the five feature-length Looney Tunes movies. The Space Jam trilogy was...

Aug 17, 2022

Brian's little sister Katie joins us to discuss The Baby-Sitters' Club in general and the Christmas episode of the 1990 HBO show specifically. Get ready for a LENGTHY character rundown, because she has 25 years of pent-up Baby-Sitter thoughts.

Aug 9, 2022

Maggie joins me to continue our Tim Curry train of thought onto a third podcast feed, as we examine A Christmas Carol, from 1997. Or 2002. Anyway, Tim Curry is in it.

Aug 3, 2022

Guest month rolls along, and it's time for another curate's egg, as TLo joins us for the first time to review Toys! It's a Robin Williams movie that shouldn't, a kids' movie that isn't, and a Christmas movie that won't! Still kinda good.